
Cambridge-Africa Day 2018

1st May, St John's College, University of Cambridge


  • The video recordings for the various presentations can mostly be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked, italicised title for each presentation, in the programme below. 

Session 1: Partnerships for Strengthening Research in Africa

1) Professor Andrew Lever (Department of Medicine, Cambridge): Chair

2) Professor David Dunne (Director of the Cambridge-Africa Programme and Director of the Wellcome Trust-Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research): Welcome

3) Professor Eilis Ferran (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Institutional and International Affairs, University of Cambridge): Introduction to Cambridge-Africa Day

4) Professor Gordon Awandare (Director of the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, WACCBIP, University of Ghana): 'Harnessing Cambridge Partnerships for Biomedical Research and Capacity Building at University of Ghana'.

5) Dr Catherine Anena (CAPREx Fellow, Lecturer, School of Women & Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda) and Dr Solava Ibrahim (Centre for Development Studies, Cambridge): ‘An In-Depth Analysis of the Factors That Empower Women to Break Free, or Keep Them in the Chains of Abusive Relationships – a Case Study of Jinja, Uganda’.

6) Dr Lydia Mosi (CAPREx Fellow, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular, University of Ghana). Collaborating with Dr Jules Griffin (Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge): 'Identification of Specific Metabolites in Mycobacterium ulcerans (Buruli ulcer) Infection: Exploring Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers'.

7) Dr David Dodoo-Arhin (Senior Lecturer, Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Ghana). Collaborating with Dr Tawfique Hasan (Cambridge Graphene Centre). 

Session 2 - Supporting African Research Capacity, Administration, Teaching and Scholarships

8) Dr Watu Wamae (Wellcome Trust-Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research, Cambridge-Africa Programme) - Chair

9) Dr Julien Rayner (Senior Group Leader, Wellcome Sanger Institute and Director of Wellcome Genome Campus Connecting Science, Cambridge): 'Red Blood Cell Invasion by Malaria Parasites - the Importance of Sharing Resources, Capacity and Training ' in Africa'.

10) Professor Ian Goodfellow (Deputy Head, Department of Pathology, Cambridge): 'Capacity Building and Engagement Activities in Post-Ebola Sierra Leone'.

11) Ms Corinna Alberg (Cambridge THRiVE and MUII-plus Coordinator) and Dr Maike De La Roche (Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute): 'Video-linked Seminars for Masters Students at Makerere University, Uganda'

12) Mrs Afua Yeboah (Senior Assistant Registrar, Office of Research, Innovation and Development - ORID, University of Ghana) and Mrs Debbie West-Lewis (Training Manager, Research Operations Office, Cambridge): 'Building Research Management Capacity: The University of Ghana’s Journey to Research Excellence'.

13) Professor James Wood (Cambridge Champion for Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Veterinary Sciences), Professor Alison Elliott (UVRI, Director of MUII-plus), Dr Sarah Ssali (CAPREx Champion, Dean of the School of Women & Gender Studies, Makerere University) and Dr Devon Curtis (Cambridge Champion for Social Sciences and Humanities, Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Studies and Centre of African Studies):'Why Support Cambridge-Africa?'. 

Session 3 - Accelerating Research and Leadership in Africa

14) Dr Caroline Trotter (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge)

15) Professor Kelly Chibale (Cambridge University Alumnus, Director DST/NRF South Africa Research (SARChI) Chair in Drug Discovery, Director UCT Drug Discovery & Development Centre (H3D), Director MRC/UCT Drug Discovery and Development Research Unit): 'From Cambridge to Pioneering Integrated Drug Discovery and Development in Africa'.

16) Dr Tom Kariuki (Director of the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), the African Academy of Science): 'THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE IN AFRICA: Building a Coalition of African Research & Innovation'.

17) Dr Pauline Essah (Cambridge-Africa Programme Manager, University of Cambridge)