
African Centers of Excellence

In addition to the Cambridge-Africa Programme, there are several other groups, programmes, centres, initiatives, international consortia with a Cambridge University component, Cambridge-University affiliated organisations, as well as individual Cambridge researchers, linking up with Africa! The Cambridge-Africa Programme interacts with and/ supports several of these other activities, in order to add value to and strengthen links between the University of Cambridge and our African partners.

Some examples include:

African Society of Cambridge University

Africans in STEM

Africa's Voices

Cambridge Global Challenges

Cambridge Global Health Partnerships

Centre of African Studies

Centre for Global Equality

ETHICOBOTS - Ethiopia Control of Bovine Tuberculosis Strategies

Global Diet and Activity Research Group

JR Biotek Foundation

MillNETi: Millets and Nutritional Enhancement Traits for Iron bioavailability

REAL Centre - Research for Equitable Access and Learning