
Talk by Dr Kofi E. Boakye, Institute of Criminology.

Dr Kofi E. Boakye spoke to Year 11 & 12 UK students during an outreach day visit to the University.

His talk covered his experiences of arriving and settling in to life in Cambridge for his Masters, PhD, and his current fellowship. He inspired the group to work hard for their education & future. On his own academic journey, he recalled his first impressions of Cambridge, meeting Bill Gates, getting used to british food, and making friends for life at University.

Dr Boakye is a Research Fellow at Clare Hall and a former Gates Scholar at Cambridge University. He received his undergraduate degree in Psychology from University of Ghana -Legon, and MPhil and PhD degrees from the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University. He has extensive teaching experience and research expertise in juvenile crime and juvenile justice issues, developmental criminology, gender-based violence, cross-national comparative criminology, forensic psychology, restorative justice, police reforms and evidence-based crime prevention.