2025 Call for Applications
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund (CReSus).
Applications are invited from pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge and African universities or research institutes, across all disciplines to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations that address key challenges in climate resilience and sustainability.
Awards available:
In this round, applications can be made for a Research Catalyst Grant for up to £20,000 or a Workshop Grant for up to £50,000 regardless of discipline and dependent on justification for funding requested.
All applicants must ensure they read the Guidance for Applicants, including eligibility criteria, before applying.
NB: The Cambridge based applicant needs a 'cam.ac.uk' email address in order to fill in the form.
Any questions or requests for assistance can be directed to cresusrf@cambridge-africa.cam.ac.uk
How to apply
The online application form has been designed to allow both applicants (Cambridge and Africa-based) to log in, update, save and eventually submit electronically.
To access the form, the Cambridge based applicant must Register Here. Only applicants with @cam.ac.uk email addresses can register.
The Cambridge-based applicant must then log in to the Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund (CReSus) application form, where they will see the words "Invite a 2nd applicant to view/edit this submission". Click on this link in order to invite the Africa-based applicant to register and edit the forms.
If you are eligible to apply, but are unable to register on the page above, then please contact cresusrf@cambridge-africa.cam.ac.uk
If you have already registered, please Log In to access the form.
The deadline to submit an application for collaborative research funding is Friday 21st March 2025.