The latest updates from Cambridge Africa and our initiatives.
My Cambridge Experience - a Ugandan Medical Student at Addenbrookes
This year, 2023 I had the opportunity to study at one of the most prominent learning institutions in the world, Cambridge University.
Palm Oil Cultivation - a West African Story
Oil palm is a cash crop and is widely grown across the tropics.
The watershed: A career-determining experience
February 7th 2023, marked the beginning of the journey.
Dendrochronology Workshop in Zambia by Paul Krusic
Thanks to the ALBORADA Fund, my co-organizers and I are facilitating an African Field School focusing on the science of Dendrochronology.
Cambridge-Africa Postgraduate Research Symposium 2023
On Wednesday 21st of June 2023, Cambridge-Africa hosted a university-wide postgraduate research symposium for scholars from the African continent at Hughes Hall.
My Research post Cambridge Africa PhD on Cocoa and other Plant Viruses Blog Post
I am Dr. Ebenezer Antwi Gyamera, one of the five scholars in the first cohort of the Cambridge-Africa PhD programme.
Chilombo Musa's time as a Cambridge-Africa PhD student
About a decade before coming to Cambridge, I imagined a future in property investment and development.
Discovering the viruses of yam in Côte d’Ivoire
Certain species of Dioscorea, better known as yam, are important sources of food and pharmaceuticals.
Dr Prince Asare's bioinformatics journey
As a young scientist, and a trained molecular epidemiologist, I have developed a keen research interest in Mycobacterial diseases over the past decade.
Understanding the immune control of HPV-mediated cervical pre-cancer: from the bench to the bedside
Understanding the immune control of HPV-mediated cervical precancer; from the bench to the bedside—Ademola Aiyenuro, PhD in Pathology Before Cambridge I was born in Kano state, the Northern part of Nigeria.…
Mark Owusu's Trip to Ghana: Outbreaks and Outreach
My name is Mark Owusu and I am a Ghanaian PhD student in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge and am being supervised by Professor Caroline…
Urban densification and low-cost housing in Ethiopia
Over one billion urban dwellers live in so-called ‘slums’ in the global South and this is projected to grow to more than three billion by 2050 (UNHabitat, 2016).