Researchers' Database
Researchers from across the University of Cambridge and its affiliated institutes are engaging with the initiatives of the Cambridge-Africa Programme by carrying out collaborative research with African colleagues, and/or supporting African fellows.
Dr Annettee Nakimuli, Makerere University and MUII PhD Fellow, and her Cambridge co-supervisor Professor Ashley Moffett, Department of Pathology.
In order to encourage new collaborations with African researchers and to support African PhD students and post-doctoral fellows, we have built (and are continuously expanding) a database of current and potential Cambridge collaborators and their expertise. The Cambridge researchers listed are either already engaging with, or have indicated their interest in being matched to Africans who have similar research interests. Cambridge researchers who would like to get involved do not need to have a pre-prepared project available, or existing African links, in order to be included in the database. If you would like your details to be included, please complete the (short and painless) registration form.
Note to African researchers searching for a Cambridge collaborator: Please be aware that any enquiries about potential collaboration with a Cambridge researcher should to be directed to one of the Cambridge-Africa team or in the first instance. They will then put you in touch with the Cambridge researcher if there is an appropriate match in the research interests. Thanks for your cooperation.
Prof Alexandre Kabla (Frugal science and Engineering; Interfaces between microbiology, civil engineering and material sciences.) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Professor of Mechanobiology
Research Interests:
My group develops inter-disciplinary and collaborative research at the interface between Physics, Mechanics, Computer Sciences and Biology. We are particularly interested in the dynamics of cell populations in the context of developmental biology or certain diseases. We have built a diverse portfolio of contributions, covering at the technical level experimental design, data analysis, as well as numerical and theoretical modelling.Dr Clemens Kaminski (Advanced Optical Techniques For Biomedical Imaging In Clinical Settings) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Head of Laser Analytics Group and Director of CamBRIDGESens, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Research Interests:
Development of advanced optical techniques for biomedical applications. We have two broad strands in this field. (1) We develop advanced optical imaging tools to study molecular mechanisms of disease directly in living cells. We are biophysicists collaborating with biologists and have projects in malaria research, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease. (2) We develop ultra-sensitive breath analysis instrumentation for use in clinic, for example to monitor anaesthetics during surgery, or for the diagnosis of disease. Possible project topics: (1) Detection of anaesthetic agents in patients by cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy of exhaled breath. (2) Super resolution imaging of toxic protein aggregates in Parkinson
(1) Elder AD et al. "A quantitative protocol for dynamic measurements of protein interactions by FRET-sensitized fluorescence emission". Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Volume 6, S59-S81, 2009.
(2) Mauritz J et al. "The Homeostasis of Plasmodium falciparum Infected Red Blood Cells", PLoS Comput Biol 5(4): e1000339, 2009.
(3) Kaminski CF et al. "Supercontinuum radiation for applications in chemical sensing and microscopy" Applied Physics B 92:367-378 (2008).
Dr Irit Katz (Climate adaptations and mobilities, spaces of refuge) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Research Interests:
Spaces of radical transformation such as displacement, conflict, and climate change. Settler colonial and post-colonial spaces.Dr Alexander Komashie (Healthcare Design ) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Research Associate, Engineering Design Centre, Dept of Engineering
Research Interests:
Complex systems design; Discrete Event Systems Modelling and Simulation; Health Service Design; Quality Improvement in Healthcare.
Current African links: links with Ghana
Prof Andreas Kontoleon (Economics of Environmental Regulation and Policy) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy…
Research Interests:
The economics of environmental regulation and policy; Micro-econometrics, experimental and behavioural economics; The economics of biodiversity conservation and management; Development economics, health economics, analysis of social networks.
Current research links with Africa:
- Developing countries: using economic empirical methods to assess environmental, health, and social policies
- Sierra Leone, Uganda: conservation of tropical ecosystems and poverty alleviation
- Uganda: understanding how social networks and behavioural patterns can improve health policy
- China: Assessing the socio-economic impacts rural land use reform
Potential research topics: Policy evaluation of environmental, health and social programmes use experimental economic methods.
(2019) Unconditional Transfers and Tropical Forest Conservation. Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Sierra Leone, (with Beccy Wilebore, Maarten Voors, Erwin Bulte, and David Coomes), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101 (3), 894-918.
(2017) Chief for a Day: Elite Capture and Management Performance in a Field Experiment in Sierra Leone (with M. Voors, T Turley, E. Bulte and J. A. List), Management Science,
(2017) Diffusion of treatment in social networks and mass drug administration. (with Goylette Chami, Erwin Bulte, Alan Fenwick, Narcis Kabatereine, Edridah Tukahebwa, and David Dunne), Nature-Communications, 1929, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01499-z
Dr Antiopi Koronaki (Automating timber construction for low-cost, modular construction through digital design and fabrication) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Assistant Professor in Design Computation and Fabrication, Department of Architecture
Research Interests:
My research interests lie at the intersection of architecture, engineering and materials with a focus on advanced fabrication and computation. The adoption of a system approach, in combination with material optimization principles, enables the development of modular and efficient structural systems that can address infrastructure shortages in a time and cost-effective manner.Publications:
Dr. Sebastian Kurten (Vaping Behaviour among Adolescents in South Africa) More Info
Position & Affiliation:
Postdoc at School of Clinical Medicine
Research Interests:
My research centers on adolescent well-being in challenging contexts, focusing on interventions for positive mental health outcomes. I also explore vaping behavior and substance abuse among adolescents, aiming to inform effective prevention strategies. My goal is to contribute to the resilience of adolescents facing diverse challenges in today's world.