
Researchers' Database

Researchers from across the University of Cambridge and its affiliated institutes are engaging with the initiatives of the Cambridge-Africa Programme by carrying out collaborative research with African colleagues, and/or supporting African fellows.

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Dr Annettee Nakimuli, Makerere University and MUII PhD Fellow, and her Cambridge co-supervisor Professor Ashley Moffett, Department of Pathology.




In order to encourage new collaborations with African researchers and to support African PhD students and post-doctoral fellows, we have built (and are continuously expanding) a database of current and potential Cambridge collaborators and their expertise. The Cambridge researchers listed are either already engaging with, or have indicated their interest in being matched to Africans who have similar research interests. Cambridge researchers who would like to get involved do not need to have a pre-prepared project available, or existing African links, in order to be included in the database. If you would like your details to be included, please complete the (short and painless) registration form.

Note to African researchers searching for a Cambridge collaborator: Please be aware that any enquiries about potential collaboration with a Cambridge researcher should to be directed to one of the Cambridge-Africa team or in the first instance. They will then put you in touch with the Cambridge researcher if there is an appropriate match in the research interests. Thanks for your cooperation.


Dr Ross Waller (Protisan parasite evolution) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Reader in Cell Biology and Evolution

Research Interests:

I am interested in the diversity of protists, and how cell adaptations have allowed changes of lifestyle, including development of opportunistic and obligate parasitism. In particular I compare the cell biology of known important parasites, in particular apicomplexan parasites, with that of related organisms that might not necessarily be parasitic. The biology that my group are currently focusing on includes: evolution and function of endosymbiotic organelles, mitochondria and plastids; invasion machinery and processes of apicomplexan parasites; and protein trafficking and compartmentalisation.

Wall, R.J, Roques, M., Katris, N.J., Koreny, L., Stanway, R.R., Brady, D., Waller, R.F. and Tewari, R. (2016) SAS6-like protein in Plasmodium indicates that conoid-associated apical complex proteins persist in invasive stages within the mosquito vector. Sci. Rep. 6:28604, PMID: 27339728

Gornik, S.G., Febrimarsa, Cassin, A., MacRae, J.I., Ramaprasad, A., Rchiad, Z., McConville, M.J., Bacic, A., McFadden, G.I., Pain, A. and Waller, R.F. (2015) Endosymbiosis undone by stepwise elimination of the plastid in a parasitic dinoflagellate. PNAS 112: 5767-72, PMID: 25902514

Katris, N.J., van Dooren, G.G., McMillan, P.J., Hanssen, E., Tilley, L. and Waller, R.F. (2014) The apical complex provides a regulated gateway for secretion of invasion factors in Toxoplasma. PLOS Pathog. 10: e1004074, PMID: 24743791

Dr Fiona Walter (Diagnosing symptomatic cancer earlier) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Principal Researcher in Primary Care Cancer Research, Department of Public Health & Primary Care, University of Cambridge

Research Interests:

Research Interests:

  • Timely diagnosis of symptomatic cancer
  • Women’s health: breast and cervical cancer
  • Patient experiences and pathways to diagnosis
  • Cancer detection and primary health care

Current African links:

  • Co-PI of the AWACAN study with Prof Jennifer Moodley, University of Cape Town, see
  • AWACAN aims to improve timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa. focusing on South Africa and Uganda.
  • Mentorship of Dr Amos Mwaka, University of Makerere, Uganda, THRiVE PhD fellow from 2010-16.
  • Co-PI, with Dr Amos Mwaka, of an Alboraba grant: ‘Understanding the roles of indigenous and complementary medicines and practices in breast and cervical cancer control and care in northern Uganda.’






1. Moodley J, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Constant D, Githaiga JN, Stewart TS, Payne A, Cairncross L, Somdyala N, Walter FM. Development and validation of the African Women Awareness of CANcer (AWACAN) tool for breast and cervical cancer. PLoS ONE, 2019; 14(8).

2. Githaiga JN, Walter FM, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Moodley J. Symptom awareness measures for breast and cervical cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review. South African Journal of Oncology, 2019;3:a78. doi: 10.4102/sajo.v3i0.78.

3. Moodley J, Walter FM, Scott S, Mwaka A. Toward timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 2018;108(10):803-804. doi: 10.7196/samj.2018.v108i10.13478.

4. Stewart TS, Moodley J, Walter FM. Population risk factors for late-stage presentation of cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. Cancer Epidemiol, 2018;53:81-92. doi: 10.1016/ j.canep.2018.01.014.

5. Hamilton W, Walter FM, Rubin G, Neal RD. Improving early diagnosis of symptomatic cancer. Nature Reviews Clin Oncol. 2016. doi: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2016.109.

Dr Christopher Warnes (Postcolonial studies, African literatures, the novel, contemporary culture.) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of English. Fellow, St John's College

Research Interests:

Postcolonial and related literature. Current Africa links: CAPREx collaborator to Prof Abbasi Kiyimba on project 'Gender stereotypes in the oral literature of two Ugandan communities', and to Prof Ernest Okello Ogwang on project 'The East African Literature Bureau (EALB) and the making of modern East African Literature'.

Dr Tim Weil (Drosophila development ) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Deputy Head of School, University Senior Lecturer

Research Interests:

To understand how the fundamental processes of localised translation and egg activation are achieved, we use Drosophila as a model system since imaging, biochemistry and genetic approaches can be readily combined to examine molecular mechanisms.


doi: 10.1002/mrd.23311

Dr Lucy Weinert (The evolutionary dynamics of bacterial pathogens) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Henry Dale Fellow, University of Cambridge…

Research Interests:

I am an evolutionary biologist whose major research goal is to understand why and how bacteria become pathogens. Identifying common features of pathogen emergence - whether they be repeated genomic changes or shared epidemiological contexts - would give us predictive power. This might allow us to forecast pathogen emergence, to develop preventative strategies, or improve treatments.


Dr John Welch (Pathogen phylogenomics) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
University Lecturer, Department of Genetics…

Research Interests:

Our research covers diverse areas of evolutionary biology, and molecular evolution in particular. It combines theoretical and empirical approaches, and particularly evolutionary inference from genome sequence data.

Professor Andrew Wheatley (Composite materials, semiconductors, porous materials, optical materials, anti-pollution, water treatment, sensing, energy) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
University Professor, University of Cambridge, UK

Research Interests:

Composite materials of interest include those with active guests like semiconducting or fluorescent nanoparticles hosted by a porous matrix like a conformed MOF. This harnesses the robustness of the MOF with the photoactivity of the guest in applications like optics, anti-pollution. We also use MOF or nanoparticle synthesis separately for green applications e.g. nanoelectrocatalysis or gas or water storage.

Sol-gel synthesis of robust metal-organic frameworks for nanoparticle encapsulation. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 1705588.

Tuning porosity in macroscopic monolithic metal-organic frameworks for exceptional natural gas storage. Nat. Commun., 2019, 19, 2345.

Manipulating morphology and composition in colloidal heterometallic nanopods and nanodendrites. Nanoscale, 2023,15, 8814-8824.

Dr Alex Whitworth (Causes of neurodegenerative diseases and neurotoxicity) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
MRC Investigator, University of Cambridge…

Research Interests:

My lab is primarily interested in understanding the causes of common neurodegenerative diseases in order to devise therapeutic strategies. We primarily use Drosophila (fruit flies) as a simple and cheap model organism, and specialise in the role of mitochondrial dysfunction.

Dr Ian Wilkinson (Biological pathways, systemic hypertension, arteriosclerosis) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Reader and Honorary Consultant, Director, Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit, Vascular Research Clinics/Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Addenbrooke's Hospital

Research Interests:

Ian Wilkinson is a BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow, and Director of the Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit, which has a focus on experimental medicine and early phase trials. He has a strong track record in Experimental and Translational Medicine and leads a research group that focuses on understanding the biological pathways underlying systemic hypertension and arteriosclerosis. He brings expertise in vascular physiology/pharmacology, and trial design. He has played a key role in developing the Cambridge PhD and MPhil training programme in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, and led the development and recent NIHR-accreditation of the Clinical Trials Unit. His group has active collaborations with biomedical engineering, matrix biology, chemistry, and imaging.

Possible project topics: Hypertension, salt and pregnancy.

Mahendru AA, Everett TR, Wilkinson IB, Lees CC & McEniery CM. (2012). Maternal cardiovascular changes from pre-pregnancy to very early pregnancy. J Hypertens 30, 2168-72.

Elkhawad M, Rudd JHF, Sarov-Blat L, Cai G, Wells R, Davies LC, Collier DJ, Marber MS, Choudhury RP, Fayad ZA, Tawakol A, Gleeson FV, Lepore JJ, Davis B, Willette RN, Wilkinson IB, Sprecher DL & Cheriyan J. (2012). Effects of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Inhibition on Vascular and Systemic Inflammation in Patients With Atherosclerosis. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 5, 911-922.

Hayman Chirinos JA, Kips JG, Roman MJ, Medina-Lezama J, Li Y, Woodiwiss AJ, Norton GR, Yasmin, Van Bortel L, Wang JG, Cockcroft JR, Devereux RB, Wilkinson IB, Segers P & McEniery CM. (2011). Ethnic Differences in Arterial Wave Reflections and Normative Equations for Augmentation Index. Hypertension 57, 1108-1116.

Dr Shona Wilson (Schistosomiasis, parasitology, immunology, epidemiology) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Lecturer, Department of Pathology

Research Interests:

I am interested in the human immune response to schistosome infections. I use epidemiological tools to control for confounding factors, allowing immune mechanisms to be dissected. The main foci of my current research are the development of anti-fecundity immunity, which reduces the number of eggs produced by mating parasite pairs, potentially reducing morbidity, and the mechanisms of immuno-pathology. I conduct research on both Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni infection.

Current African links:
National Institute of Medical Research – Mwanza, Tanzania
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
Vector Control Division, Department of Health, Kampala, Uganda
Institut National de Recherche en Santé Publique, Bamako, Mali

Wilson S, Jones FM, van Dam GJ, Corstjens PL, Riveau G, Fitzsimmons CM, Sacko M, Vennervald BJ, Dunne DW. Human Schistosoma haematobium anti-fecundity immunity is dependent on transmission intensity and is associated with Immunoglobulin G1 to worm-derived antigens. J Inf Disease (epub ahead of print).

Wilson S, Jones FM, Kenty L-C, Mwatha JK, Kimani G, Kariuki HC, Dunne DW (2014). Post-treatment changes in cytokines induced by Schistosoma mansoni egg and worm antigens: dissociation of immunity and morbidity associated type-2 responses. J Inf Disease 209: 1792-1800.

Wilson S, Jones FM, Fofana HKM, Doucouré A, Landouré A, Kimani G, Mwatha JK, Sacko M, Vennervald BJ, Dunne DW (2013). Rapidly boosted plasma IL-5 induced by treatment of human schistosomiasis haematobium is dependent on antigen dose, IgE and eosinophils. PLoS NTD 7: e2149.

Dr Edward Wilson-Lee (East African literature/culture, comparative literary projects, global history ) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Fellow in English, Sidney Sussex College

Research Interests:

Books, information and knowledge Organization in the early modern period; literature and cultural exchange.

Dr Mark Winterbottom (Assessment, Classroom Environment, Teacher Education) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
University Senior Lecturer in Science Education, Faculty of Education

Research Interests:

Science education, Informal learning, Learning through inquiry, Classroom Environment, Teacher Education


Prof James Wood (Dynamics & Epidemiology Of Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Science, Dept of Veterinary Medicine

Research Interests:

My interests lie in the dynamics of infections from cellular to population level. Three main areas: dynamics of the generation of viral variants within hosts and during transmission; lyssavirus and henipavirus infections in African bats; and bovine Tuberculosis control. Programme on pandemic H1N1 infection in pigs and farmers.

Possible project topics: Topics in influenza, viral emergence from animal and wildlife reservoirs and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. Broad expressions of interest are welcome.

Current African links: Close collaborations in Ghana (University of Ghana; Wildlife & Veterinary Services). Other links in Malawi, S Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Cameroon.

(1) Park AW et al. (2009) Quantifying the impact of immune escape on transmission dynamics of influenza. Science 326, 726-8.

(2) Hayman DTS et al. (2008) Evidence of Henipavirus Infection in West African Fruit Bats. PLOS One 3 (7); e2739.

(3) Hayman DTS et al. (2008) Antibodies against Lagos Bat Virus in Megachiroptera from West Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14, 926-8.

Dr Gavin Wright (Cell Surface Protein Interactions In Pathogenesis Of Malaria) More Info

Position & Affiliation:
Investigator, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute…

Research Interests:

Cell surface protein interactions in pathogenesis of Malaria. Erythrocyte and heptatocyte invasion, fertilisation. Other host-pathogen cell surface interactions.

Possible project topics: Screening of Malaria patient sera (particularly longitudinal samples) against recombinant merozoite (or sporozoite) surface proteins to look for correlates of humoral protection.